Tuesday, April 19, 2011

art is echoed in the oddest of places!

So one childhood love of mine was the rubiks cube. God knows i never knew how to solve it, the farthest i got was one side (which oddly was always the white side)

anyway below is the rubiks cube..........BUT WAIT!!!!!!! WHATS GOING ON HERE

As you can clearly see, this cube differs from the norm by having an extra plane of cubies that rotate independently from the others. The pleasing aspect of this puzzle, is that when scrambled, it looks like a work of art.

I'm not kidding. Look at the picture. Is it Bauhaus? Suprematism? Cubism?what?

its hard to tell, but i did some snooping and i found a bunch of other rubik cube designs that echo other art styles.
this is like a constructivist one, very angular and 

im going with surrealist on this one, just such an odd shpe and everything

this is an art s and crafts movement, flowery type one, very dark though

this cube is for those who are gaga for transportation signage symbols (hah)

this is futurism in a way, with a machine like, futuristic feel to it

and this would be art nouveau i would say, soft, and smooth, light coloring, and rounded edges

I think these rubiks cube designs (which are fully functional i might add) are a cool, and to see a small correlation between them and different art movements is pretty interesting.

art can be echoed in the weirdest of venues can it not??

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