Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Was Batman Cuneiform inspired??....probably not....but what a cool title right?

okay so im defining all these terms for my History of Visual Communication class

one of the terms is Cuneiform.....the earliest known form of script in terms of writing

    now follow me here in how it relates to batman

cuneiform rhymes with uniform

another word for uniform is costume

who wears costumes? SUPERHEROES!!!

whos a superhero?? BATMAN!!!!!!

haha okay NOW LET ME BE SERIOUS!!!!

I LOVE COMIC BOOKS, SUPERHEROES, all that junk, and what i noticed the other day, was that batmans symbol is along the same principles as cuneiform!!

cuneiform, the primary fundamental are that of lines, that form a small image (alphabetical letter/character-whatever you may call it) representing an object. However the way the lines that form the letter are constructed resemble said thing.

look at this cuneiform letter for the word "head"

above the number one is the first millenia version of the cuneiform word for head

NOTICE HOW THE image for the word "head" is actually a small head. The lines form the shape of the head, complete with eyes, eyebrows, a nose and a chin

now to batman, and more specifically the BATMAN SYMBOL!!

notice the similar principles.......it is series of lines (that end up connecting) , that form an image that is both in the shape of a bat, and represents the word bat. (and by bat i mean the  animal, not the "baseball utensil")

i thought this was a pretty cool connection. todays heroes and there affiliation to the beggining of the written word!!!

...also side note: this can also be applied to spiderman, the green lantern, and hawkman.....but not wonder woman!!!

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